Audrey Levitin

After leading the national development effort at the Innocence Project, where she increased philanthropic revenue almost ten-fold during a 15-year tenure, Audrey Levitin brings her unparalleled knowledge and experience as Senior Counsel to CauseWired, providing clients with unique insight into increasing funding for social justice organizations.

Audrey joined the Innocence Project when its annual budget was just over $2M and oversaw the creation of a $20M reserve fund and an increase in its budget to more than $20M, bringing together some of the nation’s leading philanthropists, companies and foundations to support the organization’s commitment to freeing the innocent and reforming our broken justice system.

A recognized expert on funding for human rights and social justice causes, Audrey is also the producer of Sanctuary: An Expression of Conscience, a documentary depicting the plight of Salvadoran and Guatemalan refugees in the 1980s. She also served as co-chair of US/Israel Women to Women, an organization advancing women’s empowerment and peaceful co-existence.

Previously, Audrey served as executive vice president of the Vantage Consulting Group, leading the firm’s work in legal services and civil rights. She has provided counsel to the Open Society Institute, the United Way of New York City, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and the New York Foundation.